Thursday, December 13, 2012

Google Maps iOS App Arrives!

I woke up to a happy surprise: the new standalone iOS app for Google Maps is here! It dropped last night, and finding out really made my morning. My first impression is a good one. It looks like it's at least as good as it was when baked into iOS, plus now it has spoken turn-by-turn navigation! Woot woot!

App link here:

Article link here:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Google Apps for Business Control Panel Error #1000

Google Apps is having an issue now affecting some primary and reseller customer accounts. The Organizations and Users tab won't load; it says it can't display and gives error #1000. This prevents you from performing many functions; I was trying to get on to rename a user.

I reported the issue to Enterprise Support. They updated their status page, where they describe it as an issue with the Admin control panel / API.

They're working on it but currently there is no workaround. I'll update again as soon as I hear of a workaround or resolution.

Update midnight Eastern: Issue resolved!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dave Brubeck Passed Away

Dave Brubeck died today at 91; he would have turned 92 tomorrow. His passing is a great loss to the world of music and the world in general. Here is a link to the article from the Chicago Tribune.

I'm sad that he is gone, but I feel incredibly fortunate to have seen him play last year with my fiancée. He walked onto the stage like you would expect a 90-year-old man to walk, but he played like a young man. It was really something to be in his presence while he performed.

I don't know how he viewed things, but from my perspective, he was a lucky man. To be able to do what he loved until the end...that is not something everyone gets to have.